Accessible Yoga Practices Are The Way of Tomorrow

Accessible Yoga Practices Are The Way of Tomorrow

Yoga is a sacred practice that is thousands of years old.  The way of the past is that yoga involves strict attention to alignment.  The unforgiving alignment principles of traditional yoga have scared many people away from the practice of yoga.  Fortunately, accessible yoga is becoming increasingly popular and seems to be the way of tomorrow’s yoga practice.

18 Morning Yoga Stretches and Poses to Start Your Day • Yoga Basics

Accessible yoga practices help us to modify yoga poses to our own individual bodies rather than to force our bodies into specific yoga poses.  Some poses can be intimidating and keep people from practicing yoga.  Once people learn chaturanga dandasana modifications, they are more comfortable practicing sun salutations.  Even seated twists can be scary for those who are unfamiliar with putting their bodies into these shapes.  Learning bharadvajasana cues and modifications becomes much easier, for example, when you start to practice accessible yoga.  The practice of yoga suddenly becomes open to thousands of people who previously believed they could not practice yoga effectively.