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Preventative Maintenance On Home Medical Mobility Equipment

Preventative Maintenance On Home Medical Mobility Equipment

Your home medical mobility equipment is there to improve your quality of life. A car owner recognizes the need for preventative maintenance on their car as they know that it needs to run smoothly and reliably.

As such a medical mobility equipment user should also provide regular maintenance on their equipment.

In order not to cause accidents or left stranded somewhere without help you have to keep your power wheelchair or electric mobility scooter in top notch condition at all times.

Preventative maintenance is a way for you to make sure that your medical mobility equipment is always reliable and efficient. Also don’t forget to check in with the service technician on a regular basis.

In this article we look at a few basic maintenance measures to carry out on your electric mobility scooter or your power wheelchair.

Preventative Maintenance Tips for Your Electric Mobility Scooter

Cover your mobility scooter when it is not in use. Store it in a dry, clean area that is secure.

Use a damp clean cloth at least once a week to wipe off all grime and dirt that accumulated on the stem and handlebars. Use a bit of soap and lukewarm water to wash the deck of the mobility scooter.

The area around the battery is crucial. Take care of it and regularly check the underside of the scooter for corrosion as well as the battery itself.

Your tire pressure must constantly be checked before you take out your motorized scooter. By keeping proper pressure, the scooter will maintain proper inflation without wearying the motor out.

Also take the time to inspect the brake cables for any signs of wear and tear.

The indicators and lights on your medical mobility scooter must work at all times. Check those too. They are important traffic signals. Travelling with these lights and indicators not working is a danger sign to you and to people around you.

Preventative Maintenance Tips for Your Power Wheelchair

Monitor the condition of your power wheelchair tires to see whether they have worn out. You will easily be able to see this on the edges or just by inspecting the tires in general. If driving with an uneven tire, it can cause the power wheelchair to veer off to one side, forcing the user to try and control it back into place with the joystick.

Make sure that your tires are inflated at the pressure level indicated on the tire or which is listed on the manual.

Power wheelchairs are prone to getting dirty quickly, attracting dust and grime and a host of other sticky substances. Clean the unit with a damp cloth and a soft towel regularly.

Charge the battery to 100 percent before using it again.

Keep the wheelchair dry at all times as corrosion can happen whenever your wheelchair is exposed to rain or water. The electrical components should especially be kept dry like the controller and the wire well.

Store your power wheelchair in an environment that is neither too cold nor too hot.

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