Standards Of Quality At Astiora

Standards Of Quality At Astiora

A successful business rises or falls on the standards its employees and customers adhere to during each working day. Quality Control is an important system that business owners can employ to make sure they run an efficient, profitable and top-notched enterprise.

What’s Quality Control? The simple answer is the way a business goes about making sure the quality of its product is kept at a high level or are improved by keeping errors at a minimum or eliminating those flaws. To make sure this works though, the company has to make sure the standards are embraced by both management and workers who must meet those requirements each day.

Benchmarks Required

A huge component of quality control is setting up clear benchmarks. Those requirements must lay out what actions must follow when issues arise. The process should list which employee will be responsible for dealing with a specific problem. That specificity helps to reduce further complications if an untrained staffer is handed the job of resolving the mess.

For a quality control system to work it has to be tested. Testing units of products from end to end allows employees to find out if they are meeting the standards for the final product.

However, different types of testing are available to fulfillment suppliers because the quality control used in a business depends on the product or industry. For example, a product listed under the food and drug manufacturing label, the quality control testing measure would consist of making sure the product does not make a consumer sick. Part of their testing would include chemical and microbiological testing of samples from the production line.

Committed To Quality 

At Astiora, a subsidiary of K&J Enterprises, there is a high standard of quality control in place. Both management and staff committed to maintaining that level.

“Our systems of checks and balances between manual and technological procedures ensure that our quality control measures are highly effective. At every step of the way, we are constantly monitoring and evaluating processes, inventory, shipments,” Astiora says on its website at “Our customers know that they can count on us to protect their assets and accurately fulfil their outgoing orders.”

Astiora points out that losing money because of spoiled or damaged products is not healthy for any business. That is especially egregious because it can be avoided through planning and exceptional management of the inventory system. Highly trained employees who understand that poor quality control can eat away at revenues are also essential to a successful business.


Top Inventory Management System Rules

The inventory management system at Astiora, a leader in 3rd party shipping services and innovative logistics solutions, ranks among the best in its industry. The company follows the quality control process as soon as a product lands in its warehouse.

This includes: 

  • A storage spot already earmarked for the product which has been evaluated before arrival
  • Employees knowing how to pack an item for resale and is aware of any special handling requirements.
  • The system knowing when inventory levels are low if a product has an expiration date and issuing alerts. This allows customers to promote sales on that product to minimize loss.

Astiora is certified to accommodate almost every type of special storage needed. Hazardous and fragile items are easily handled. The staff gets specialized training in storage and handling protocols for special handling. They are also trained in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.

The company is certified or have been approved for several criteria required for storage of items covered by regulatory agencies. And when there are products to the company, staff will contact the manufacturer to ensure Astiora meets all the suggested guidelines for that product.